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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday Worship in Austria

We attended a Baptist church today, Sunday, in Salzburg. A very busy and missions minded church. There was a baptism for 3 Afghan men and they were accepted into the church as well. Even though we could not sing the words of the songs, we could feel the heart beat of the congregation. Nor could we understand what the message was about or the baptism, but we could feel their passion for this ministry. We think the message was about The Shepherd and his flock. About 200 in attendance and the music and singing was very much like our home church--worship team, guitar, piano player with a strong lead voice and 2 ladies blending in harmony. We felt at home. We are next door now for lunch at a wonderful internet cafe.

Awesome Austria

Arrival in Salzburg - Gosausee / Hallstatt Austria

June 3, 2010, we were driven to Toronto International Airport by brother Ken and dropped off at the Departures front door of Terminal 1. Dave had disassembled our bikes and packed them in 2 bike boxes with wheels on the ends of each box. We rolled them over to the Austrian Air counter and were told that Air Canada was our carrier so we went over there and got in line to have our tickets checked. A nice lady in charge pulled us out of line - said we were too clumsey so she took us over to Special Services. After some time searching for how much she should charge us, we were ushered over to Large Packages and wheeled the bikes up to the employees who looked surprised at the rolling package. After paying $50.00 each we sent them down the conveyor and would retrieve them later in Salzburg Airport. Six hours later we were ready to go to Frankfurt, Germany as our stopover. We arrived at Frankfurt and were told even before we got off the plane that the connecting flight to Salzburg we would probably not make - only 45 minutes and with customs clearance and bus transport into the airport all containing long line-ups. We did miss the flight so They found another but 4 hours later. This triggered a whole series of phone calls required to change plans. We missed the bus to go to Munich to pick up our lease vehicle that same day. We missed the motel reservation in Munich. And we missed the time appointed to pick up our lease vehicle in Munich - all changes needed without a phone to call these three. It was off to find a Sim Card for the cell phone. Fortunately the guy at the Elektroniks Store spoke English and set the phone and even dialed the number to make sure it would work. We found a motel just around the corner from the Salzburg Airport so put our bikes in storage and rolled our selves and the suitcases over to the motel about 2 blocks away - nice small airport about the size of Hamilton Airport.

Friday, June 4, 2010

In the morning we caught the Shuttle Bus to Munich Airport and phoned the Lease company that we had arrived and about an hour later he picked us us out front. We were now in Germany so had to buy another Sim Card - 40 Euro later again. After picking up the car we drove back to Salzburg Airport with great help from the GPS and proceeded to assemble the bikes just outside the Airport door near the parking lot. About 3 hours later we attached the assembled bikes to the back of the car with the carriers we had taken in the boxes and were off to find something to eat in Salzburg. Where do we go?? Again GPS came in handy but took us right through downtown at rush hour and coincidentally just several blocks away from our Mennonite Your Way hosts in central Salzburg. We met Helmut and Marietta Wejwoda in their apartment, moved bikes and all into our room and immediately made plans to bike somewhere tomorrow.

Saturday June 5, 2010

We traveled south of Salzburg Austria about 3 hours to the Gosausee region a very picturesque region similar to Lake Louise in Alberta Canada. We walked half way around the lake - blue water with snow covered Alps in the background. Then on to Hallstatt Austria a small town clinging to the side of a cliff with the Hallattersee in the foregound. A salt mining town at one time now a tourist attraction. No wehicles - streets are often steps to climb up to the next row of homes. Very old wood/log homes. Little shops under the homes on the main street. Along the way were lots of camera spots - yellow flowers in the hay fields - some being cut for hay already with small walk behind tractors on the steep slopes. Can you tell I was a farmer and still am at heart - sometimes.
1st picture is Jean between bike boxes at Salzburg airport
2nd picture is Dave getting fresh spring water from a tree trough near St. Martens
3rd picture is of Gosausee, Gosau, Austria
4th picture is of Hallstatt, Austria