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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Passionsspiele - Oberammergau, Germany - June 29, 2010

Passionsspiele - Oberammergau, Germany - June 29, 2010

The entire day was spent in the town of Oberammergau, Upper Bavaria, Germany. Over 5000 people converge on the town each weekday from all over the world. They come by the bus load - tours that have been organized to make this town usually a 2 day stop on their itinerary. The town is literally crawling with people by 10 a.m. each day - almost like a pilgrimage. The object of their trip is to view the play staged every 10 years by the towns people. Known as the "Passionsspiele" this play has been presented faithfully since 1633 as a pledge to God for protection against the "Black Death" plague that originated during the 30-Year-War.
Up to 800 actors may be on stage at certain times. The 6 hour play was divided in 2 halves with a 3 hour break from 5 - 8 p.m. The actors and live orchestra practice for 10 years to perfect the story of Christ's birth, life, suffering, death and resurrection. It was a powerful presentation - one we will not soon forget.

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