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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lost out in the field - Friday July 16, 2010

Lost out in the field - Friday July 16, 2010

This morning we wanted to head to the closest town with internet connection since we do not have it here. We had driven into the town of Niebull last evening and found a library with internet at a reasonable price so planned to bike into the library this morning and send a few messages home. On a map that we had picked up there at Information in Zentrum last evening it showed a road - a shortcut through the fields over to Niebull from out stay here in Klixbull. Annika our contact person here had said it was only 20 minutes to the library by bicycle so we headed out. Found a road that showed on the map off the main highway here in the general direction of Niebull but it seemed to go away from the town - thought maybe it would curve around back. Now I must tell you that the grasses along the fence rows are very tall and it is difficult to see landmarks. Also it did seem that the road was getting closer to town - we had a tower in town Zentrum to guide us. Only trouble was when we biked closer to town, the big trees blocked the tower and we kept going further than we wanted. When we finally found the right trail, we had circled the town and entered from the south side - our stay is on the north side. About an hour later we arrived at the library.
Thought we would have learned from out mistakes when we returned home but seems they forgot to put the name of our town, Klixbull, on the signs so after 2 “rotaries” we were lost again. Finally after retracing out tracks for several km we got on the right road. Come to find out on our way home there are 2 other paths that head toward where we had wanted to go - think we will try those tomorrow but maybe should take TomTom with us - d’ya think? Another hour of peddeling and this time it was into the wind.

In the afternoon we took to the car to explore the northern shore of Germany. It is an interesting sight to see trains carrying cars, campers, large trucks with supplies, ambulances, fully loaded busses and bicycles, across a narrow causway to the island of Sylt - all these vehicles with the people still sitting in them, some vehicles facing forward and some backward but most with windows down and folks snapping pictures. We plan to hop that train tomorrow to experience the island ourselves. As we drove close to the shoreline of the North Sea, we drove through one dyke with an opening just the size for a vehicle - grooves in the walls of this “gate” indicate that the sea could be blocked if necessary by lowering huge beams down into these grooves. On the other side of the gate was a wide expanse of wheat fields with the odd farm and house in a clump of trees visible off in the distance - very much as we remembered our crossing of the Canadian praires some years ago - wheat fields as far as the eye could see. After driving across this expanse, we came to a dead end with a high dyke in front of us. Another car was parked there so we decided to climb the dyke and see the ocean on the other side. Surprise - from the top was visible another wide expanse of low grasses but even more surprising were the thousands of sheep grazing on these grasses some part way up the dyke, some sheep walking along the top.

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